Workbook Step 4 plus - The Steps Method

Workbook Step 4 plus with exercises and reminders
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€ 4,95
The contents of the Workbook Step 4 plus: More or less new topics: Trapping; Prepatory move (luring, eliminating the defence, chasing, targeting and clearing.; The opening;Vulnerability in the opening; Mini-plan; Opening the position; Solving problems; An ordinary chess players stays away from the chess problem, but they are worthwhile!; Don't skip them!; Have a look! Mate in two! Elaborating the already introduced material: Mini-plans; Activating a piece, exploiting vulnerability; Attacking the king; Cooperation queen/bishop and queen/knight; open file and opening files; Draw; Avoiding stalemate, insufficient material, perpetual check; Blocking and interfering; The prepatory moves chasing and luring;Discovered attack;Setting up a battery; Endgame technique; Strategy, tactics and vulnerability in the endgame. Technique, defending and the rook pawn.
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