The Art of the King's Indian - Oleg Stetsko, Eduard Gufeld
Grandmaster Dejan Bojkov of Bulgaria loves the King's Indian Defense.
Having played it from his youth after reading Bronstein's great book on the Zurich 1953 International Tournament, his love for the Kings Indian Defense is on display throughout this volume, which is filled with creative ideas and strategies, tactics, and especially those shocking shots characteristic of the King's Indian.
The lines Bojkov recommends to you often involve giving up the center with ...e5xd4 and then using ...c7-c6 and eventually ...d6-d5 to break it all open at the right moment.
The variations covered in this book include:
1. The Classical Variation
1a The Flexibility in the Classical Variation
1b The Glicoric System
1c The Exchange System
1d The Petrosian System
2. The Samisch Variation
3. The Four Pawns Attack
4. The Averbakh System
5. The Bagirov Line
6. The Fianchetto System
This book not only contains many new ideas and novelties, but will significantly increase your understanding of the KID! With lots of exercises to test your growing skills.
Dejan Bojkov is a Bulgarian GM, rated 2544. He was Bulgarian national champion in 2009, and is a member of the Bulgarian national team. He was the long-time trainer of former world women's champion Antoaneta Stefanova.
Table of Contents
004 Garry Kasparov. Through the prism of time
006 Oleg Stetsko. My friend Eduard Gufeld
009 Part 1. A Lifetime of the King’s Indian
009 Preface
012 Sämisch Variation
013 The search for a reply
033 My Main Variation
077 Classical Variation
078 7.0-0
108 7.d5
122 7.Be3
127 Averbakh Variation
146 Deviations from the Averbakh Variation
158 Bishop Fianchetto
159 Control of e4 - 7...Bf5
166 Attack on the centre - 7...e5
173 The flank attack 7...a6
174 The centre is not closed
183 Closed centre
187 Yugoslav Variation
195 Four Pawns Attack
208 Résumé
Part 2. Games by present-day romantics
211 Sämisch Variation
241 Classical Variation
241 7.0-0
285 7.d5
294 7.Be3
304 Averbakh Variation
309 Deviations from the Averbakh Variation
322 Bishop Fianchetto
338 Four Pawns Attack
344 Gufeld’s opponents
346 Index of games by romantics
347 Index of variations
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